Saturday, November 24, 2012

Lesson 9: Stone Soup

dense- When something is made of things that are very close together, it is dense.

reaction- A response to something that happens is a reaction.

ingredients- Ingredients are all the foods and spices that you use to make a certain kind of food.

gracious- When you try to make a guest comfortable in your home, you are being gracious.

famine- When there is a famine, there is not enough food to feed everyone.

generous- People who are generous are happy to share with others.

curiosity- Something that is called a curiosity is something odd or unusual that interests people.

gaze- A gaze is a long look at something.

agreeable- Something that is agreeable is pleasing to the senses.

banquet- If you are going to a banquet, you are going to a special meal that will have a large amount of food.